Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease is 3 Years, but it doesn't have to be - 2023

According to an American study in 2022, the Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease is roughly 3 years. Now most doctors will tell you that severe Fatty Liver Disease is basically irreversible, but by understanding Fatty Liver Disease and how it is developed. You'll gain a better understanding for the solutions that could not only increase your Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease, but put you at a higher chance of reversing it.

As always, check with your doctor before taking action from the advice shown below.

Listen to the article (and my poor pronunciation) above. I Also have a FREE Fatty Liver Diet Plan for You

Key Facts:

  • Life Expectancy with a Fatty Liver Disease is roughly 3 years.
  • Fatty Liver Disease can be reversed and prevented through a healthy diet and lifestyle changes 
  • There are 3 Major Stages of Fatty Liver Disease: 1-Steatohepatitis, 2-Fibrosis, 3-Cirrhosis
  • Fatty Liver Disease can develop over many years (sometimes 10 years), mostly undetected.
  • This can be from a sugar/carb heavy diet, stress, or excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Symptoms are hard to detect until the later stages, but that doesn't mean it's too late....

The American Liver Foundation shows that roughly 25% of adults in the US have NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), and 2 billion people worldwide are affected by a Fatty Liver with the chance of it developing into a serious Disease.

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What Does Your Liver Do?

Well, believe it not (You'll have to believe it actually) your Liver is the second most significant organ in your body. Can You guess which organ is the most significant?

Your Liver performs roughly 500 tasks and mainly acts as a filter to remove any alcohol, drugs, or pathogens. In fact, it is the only organ that can filter these out. Your Liver also....

  • Produces bile which is used to help digest fats and vitamin absorption.
  • Produces proteins for blood plasma.
  • Produces cholesterol, in fact your body produces 75% of the cholesterol.
  • Controls the amino acids, which is the foundation of proteins.
  • Converts poisonous ammonia into urea which turns to urine.
  • Regulates blood clotting.
  • Serves as a major player in keeping your immune system functioning well.
  • Removes any other waste, it is essentially your body's filtration system.

What is a Fatty Liver Disease?

I'll let you take a guess at what it could be, but just to clarify. It is the result of having too much fat in and around the liver. In fact it's so much fat, that the liver begins to spill that out and it gets into other vital organs. This can lead to other complications such as:

  • High blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Obesity
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Type 2 Diabetes (Do you have it?)
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Underactive pituitary gland
  • Sleep apnea
  • Kidney disease

If that fat is left untreated inside the liver, it begins to harden which slows down the liver function. This is known as steatosis. Fatty Liver Disease is broken down into 3 stages:

  1. Steatohepatitis (by the way, anything with the word "itis" means inflammation): This is where the fat is building up only in the liver. However, the swelling from the fat is causing damage to the tissues. Actually, more damage than repair to the liver. This leads to scarring, hardening, and inflammation of the liver.
  2. Fibrosis: The Liver is still working at this point, but is severely damaged from the continuous buildup in fat and inflammation. Some may get the fat surgically removed for a quick fix (there are non surgical alternatives), but if not addressed then we get into....
  3. Cirrhosis: Where the scar tissue replaces the functioning liver tissue, and now the symptoms will be quite visible. The chances of Liver cancer at this point are dramatically increased. But it can be reversed.

These can be categorized into 2 main stages: NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) or MAFLD (Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease) and AFLD (Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease). 

How Can You Develop a Fatty Liver Disease?

It's usually the result of a high sugar/carb diet, and even high glycemic fruits and vegetables. High amounts of stress for a longer period of time and alcohol can play a major role as well. Because too much stress can turn proteins into sugar (which is a toxin according to your liver), that sugar can become stored as fat later on and well.........I'm sure you know the rest by now.

The age group is usually those who are 50 or older, but can you guess why we're seeing possible Fatty Liver Diseases in younger groups? Let me know in the comments below.

Now you may be thinking "oh, should I avoid fatty foods as well because you know......fat." Well, there's good fat and then there's bad fat. Wait what? Here's a quick overview of the good and bad fats (click here to learn more), but essentially:
  • The good fats come from natural, whole, unaltered foods such as: vegetables (avocado, olives, etc...), coconuts, wild fish, grass fed meats, basically what nature intended. Let me know if you can think of any others in the comments.
  • The bad fats come from un-natural, processed sources which include: margarine, corn oil, canola oil, trans fats, dry roasted nuts. Basically look at the label and check the ingredients, if it's a long list of items you can't even pronounce.......then well you know.

Frequent meals (including snacking) can also play a role in the development of a Fatty Liver.

How Can You Tell if You have Fatty Liver Disease?

The symptoms are very subtle and fly under the radar during the early stages (Steatohepatitis), but if you feel any pain around the upper right side of your abdomen, fatigue, confusion, or swelling of the legs. Then you'll want to go to your doctor for a checkup. 

You may not know that you have a Fatty Liver for many years. The signs become more apparent during the later and more severe stages of Fatty Liver Disease (Fibrosis and Cirrhosis), these include:

  • Intense Itching
  • Excess Belly Fat, or
  • Ascites (fluid build up in the abdomen) 
  • Bruising & Bleeding
  • Jaundice (Yellowing on the skin and eyes)
  • Spider Veins
  • Higher chance of a Cancerous Liver
  • Fluid retention in the legs, feet, and ankles
Another way to tell which is quite simple is to stand up and look down. If you can't see your toes, then it's most likely that you have a Fatty Liver.

As mentioned earlier, it may take a very long time before you know that you have a Fatty Liver Disease. This could be due to the fact that the liver can maintain normal function with only 30% of its capacity. So while 70% of your liver is damaged, the 30% that is healthy can still keep your body functioning and you'll never know that there's any damage.

How Can You Reduce or even Reverse a Fatty Liver?

In order to better understand the solutions, and even have you come up with your own. It's important that we address the following factors in a Fatty Liver
  • Overload
  • Inflammation
  • Lack of Resources
With those in mind, the most obvious is to eliminate what caused your Fatty Liver in the first place, this includes sugar (in the form of fructose), alcohol, toxins (such as pesticides, heavy metals, and medication).
  • Eliminate refined carbs (breads, cereal, pasta, pastries, etc...)
  • Eliminate high sugar foods (dried fruit, candy, sugary drinks, sweet fruit)
  • Wash your vegetables thoroughly or even soak it in a tub of water with a little apple cider vinegar and salt
You'll also want to replace vegetable oils (canola, seeds, grains, or legumes) with cold pressed oils such as extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil, or even avocado oil. You can find out more about cold pressed oils here.

Another factor to consider is any allergies, since they can cause inflammation. You'll want to eliminate anything that may spark an immune reaction from your body. You also want to reduce (possibly eliminate) any stress, that could come from lack of sleep, negative news, maybe that one friend......

Once you've addressed the root causes and eliminated them, now we can introduce the resources that your liver needs in order to start working again. What are some of the essential resources for your liver and where can you get them?
  • Amino Acids, specifically Methionine and Cystein used to make glutathione (primary antioxidant which acts as your body's janitor). These can come from grass fed chicken, eggs, pork, or beef.
  • Choline, which helps your Liver dissolve the fat. You can find choline in abundance in eggs, liver (har dee har har), dairy, and greens (especially the cruciferous greens).
  • Bile, yes remember how I mentioned that earlier? Bile is produced in the Liver to dissolve the fat, interestingly enough that bile is only produced when fat is introduced (dietary fat acts as a signal for your Liver to produce bile). Let me know in the comments what the best sources of healthy fats are.
  • You can include these in your diet: garlic, green tea, turmeric, milk thistle, coffee, onion, and natural herbs. As they are known to increase glutathione on your body.

If you've made it this far, then you're as serious about health as I am. Also here's a FREE guide for you. But here's a game changer that could possibly reverse a cirrhosis level Fatty Liver and increase your Life Expectancy without a Fatty Liver.

Of course do this carefully and consult your doctor before doing this, and also make sure that you are incorporating the advice above before beginning this method. I'm talking about intermittent fasting, and even prolonged fasting.

You can start by pushing your breakfast further into the day, to the point where you're only eating during an 8 hour window (even less). There are ways to save yourself the time and energy in learning, especially if you're concerned about your health or you have a Fatty Liver Disease.

There are numerous benefits that I'll save for another post, or you can start here. But you want to get to a point of autophagy where your body recycles damaged proteins and cells. this includes the scar tissue in your liver that was accumulating over time. Basically autophagy is the natural cheat code for your body where it taps into additional resources to heal the body. 

Find Out More about the Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease

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Consult Your Doctor Prior to Performing any of the Above Activities.

Do You have Fatty Liver Disease or Did You? How Did You Reverse it? Do You Agree with What is Said? 
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Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease