How to Lose 30 Pounds in a Month - 2023

How to Lose 30 Pounds in a Month

On average, it takes around 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds (based on this article). However, if you're looking to speed up the progress in a safe manner. Then here is a rough plan (plus some Bonus Tips) to get you started on this inclined path to losing weight. Before we get started.....

  • The focus here is to get Healthy first! Health and Weight Loss go hand in hand
  • Safety First! Pay attention to signs of over exertion as you go along
  • Avoid Comparing with Others! There may be other factors at play that you don't know of
  • Practice Patient! This will take time and dedication, stay the course and you will see results
  • Keeping the Weight Off! This is not intended to be a fad diet or trend, it's the path to the new you!
  • Consult your Doctor before attempting any of these.
The Plan
  1. Mental Preparation
  2. Eliminate the "Holding Me Back"s
  3. Carb Burning to Fat Burning
  4. The Healthy Version of Keto
  5. Get Lots of Sleep
  6. Taking Fat Burning to Another Level
  7. Exercise
  8. Bonus Tips

1) Mental Preparation

There is a major mental aspect to weight loss, because there will be obstacles on your path. With the understanding that discipline, time, and effort will be involved. You will become better equipped at facing the challenges that may lie ahead. The good news is that these challenges/obstacles will get easier to overcome through time, you might even enjoy the process. 

Writing your reasons for losing weight can be very helpful. I like to call this the WHY behind your weight loss. Use this as your compass, something to come back to when you're feeling discouraged or simply "meh". 

When I started out, my WHY was simply to get healthier and to get a 6 pack. It may sound generic, but it was enough to keep me going.

I found this method more powerful than just writing down "I want to lose x lbs this week", there was nothing tangible behind it. No real meaning, so come up with a tangible WHY that speaks to you!

2) Eliminate the "Holding Me Back"s

Roughly 80% of weight loss comes down to diet, and the easiest place to start is to look at what is contributing to your weight negatively. The kitchen and pantry are good places to start, throw out or give away any junk food and processed sugars that could be holding you back.

Some contributors to a stubborn weight are often refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cereal, etc.), refined and processed sugars (including sugar alternatives), and any processed or fried food.

3) Carb Burning to Fat Burning

Your body may have been trained since youth to burn carbohydrates.  A lot of it stems from your daily diet, which may have contained a heavy amount of carbs. Because of that, your body has been trained to seek the carbs first to burn for energy. When there are no carbs to burn, the body then seeks out the fat in the body.

The problem is that when the body runs out of carbs to burn, it sends out a signal of hunger. We then answer that signal by feeding ourselves usually with carb heavy meals. We refuel our body with carbs, and fat remains untouched.

The objective here is to reverse that and re-train the body to use fat as the primary source for fuel. How do we do that?

4) The Healthy Version of Keto

Healthy version? Yes there is a healthy version to it, and it's nothing magical really. Simply put, you're going to be eating way more vegetables. 

Why vegetables? Well, you probably already know that veggies contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body (this will also help you avoid the negative side effects of the next step). Since you're looking for fast results here, you may want to consider adding this booster.

Along with more vegetables, You'll want to replace the carbs with fat. This will teach your body to start using fat as the primary source for fuel. Avoid the processed or unhealthy fats. 

In terms of protein. Roughly 0.7 grams per pound of body weight (or 1.2-2.0 grams per kg) is the general principle. Of course, avoid the processed or altered meats. There are some alternatives if you are vegan such as nuts, seeds, tofu, nutritional yeast, and others. 

The idea here is to cut down on the carbs and replace them with fats. The closer to 0 your carb intake is, the faster you'll see results. Of course, be safe!

Healthy Fats: Avocados, Unprocessed Cheese, Butter, Macadamia Nuts, Walnuts, Peacans, Olive Oil, and Whole Eggs (just to name a few).

Nutrient Dense Vegetables: Cabbage, Kale, Broccoli, Leafy Greens, Fermented Vegetables, and Celery.

Acceptable Fruits (in moderation): Strawberries, Blueberries, Lemons, and Blackberries.

If you're left feeling un-satisfied after a meal, try adding more fat.   

5) Get Lots of Sleep

You may know this already, but here's what happens when you don't get enough sleep. Your hunger hormones may spike up, causing a craving for food leading to weight gain. Aim for at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. 

Having trouble? A cooler room leads to a faster transition to slumber, but if your significant other likes it warm. You may want to get them a heating pad. Working out during the day can help as well as a warm/hot shower right before bed.

6) Taking Fat Burning to Another Level

By introducing Intermittent Fasting. After a couple of weeks (sometimes longer) of healthy keto, your body may now be burning fat as the primary source for fuel, this is called being fat adapted. In addition with the consumption of veggies, your body should have a decent reservoir of vitamins and necessary nutrients. Here's the general idea behind Intermittent Fasting (also a bit of a recap/refresher):

  • When you starve your body of food, it will go looking for sources of energy (the fat that you trained it to look for and use)
  • When the dietary fat from your food runs out, your body will go looking for the fat stored across your body
  • That fat can be stored anywhere, from your cells, to your legs, to your......belly (see where I'm getting at?)
  • Your body will also rely on the reservoir of nutrients you've built up over time to continue functioning efficiently
I found through my experience that Intermittent Fasting is a great way to see what vitamins and minerals were lacking in my system.

Now it's important to pay close attention to your body as you slowly get into IF. You may experience waves of hunger, those waves can often be your hormones (such as ghrelin). If you hold off long enough, the feelings will pass and you'll be fine.

On the rare occasion (usually if you've gone too long without eating), the feeling may be more intense where you feel like fainting. If that's the case, then eat first! 

The most common way of getting into Intermittent Fasting is by skipping breakfast, pushing your first meal later in the day. You can keep pushing your first meal further and further (from breakfast, to brunch, to lunch, to dinner). The initial aim is usually 16:8 (16 hour fast + 8 hour eating window), once you've worked up to this comfortably. You can extend your fasting period and shorten the eating window, again do this safely.

When breaking a fast, introduce food slowly to avoid any shocks to the body (especially after longer fasts). A light salad is most common, followed by a heavier meal after 30 minutes to an hour. That meal should still be a healthy keto meal.

This is where you may begin seeing accelerated, perhaps even exponential results. Like a snowball gathering momentum.

7) Exercise

Why do I mention exercise near the end? Because while you are transitioning from carb burning to fat burning, so are your energy levels. You may feel abnormally exhausted at the gym if you workout during the transition phase. You're welcome to exercise anyways, but I would advise going light. Until your body is fully adjusted.

Exercise is known to make up for roughly 20% of weight loss. Exercise is a good supplement to weight loss, as well as a whole load of other benefits that I'm sure you know of. If you are new to exercising, here's an idea to keep in mind.

A 150-pound person can burn 306 calories in 30 minutes of stair climbing. Adding a few cardio sessions to your workout per week can boost your weekly calorie burn, which can help you achieve your goal sooner. If you're looking for some workout ideas or a little push, then try the Aptiv Fitness Program.

8) Bonus Tips - If You Really Want Results FAST!

  • Cold Showers can kick start the metabolism (as well as immune system) and speed up the fat burning process. As well as healing sore muscles (after a workout)
  • Avoid anything that stresses you out.
  • Have an Accountability Partner, someone to make sure that you're on the path and not slacking off
  • Track your progress, either through a spreadsheet, on paper, or through an app. 
  • If you're into Shakes and Smoothies, then try the Lanta Flat Belly Shake, which also helps maintain energy and other benefits.
  • Try Meditation as this can help with stress and mindfulness
  • Eat Slowly, as it takes roughly 20 minutes for the brain to process the information from your stomach that it is full. Also pay attention to how you eat, this can aid in other areas too.
  • Add a little Apple Cider Vinegar to your salad or water (use a straw to drink to avoid damage to the teeth).
  • Try cooking at home, this can be a great opportunity to try new recipes or make up your own. But if you don't have the time, then there's always Hello Fresh!
I may be affiliated with some of the links above, meaning I may receive compensation. This is at no cost to you and for your benefit.

We hope this helps and gives you some guidance on where to start. If you want to learn more about Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting, then feel free to check out the following channels.

Best of Luck!

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Image Credit: Freepik and Canva

Consult Your Doctor Prior to Performing any of the Above Activities.

Have You Tried to Lose 30 Pounds in a Month? How Many Pounds Do You Want to Lose in a Month? 
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