How to Lose Arm Fat - 2023

In order to Lose Arm Fat, it's important to understand what causes fat to accumulate around the arms. Of course it can be part of the overall accumulation of fat around the body, but there are some specific factors that can contribute to Arm Fat in particular.

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  • Low Collagen
  • Low Growth Hormone
  • High Cortisol 
  • Unbalanced Thyroid and Estrogen 
There are other factors that can contribute to arm fat such as too much insulin which can come from high frequency eating or snacking, high amounts of sugar, carbs, lean protein (especially when combined with carbs and sugar), and alcohol. 

What are some indications of high insulin? Frequent urination, extreme hunger, and headaches, blurred vision, extreme hunger, skin issues such as acne, genital itching, and more....

Understanding these will give you a better idea and a road map on How you can Lose the Arm Fat. Essentially, it comes down to:

As always, consult a doctor or health practitioner before attempting the following. 

Increase your Collagen

Collagen derives from Latin meaning glue, and this glue exists all around your body. From your hair, to your nails, to your skin, to your muscles, to your eyes. It basically makes up 65% of your body, and usually the protein you consume is converted to Collagen. However, there needs to be enough acid in the stomach in order for the process to occur efficiently.

As you age, the acid in your stomach decreases. As the acid decreases, the collagen absorption becomes less efficient. Which leads to sagging inside and outside of the body along with rigid muscle tissue and high blood pressure. Before you go out and get some Collagen powder, you may want to look at improving your digestion first. How can you do that?

  • Apple Cider Vinegar with each meal (put it in your salad or dilute with water)
  • Increase Copper by consuming more Sesame Seeds, Shiitake Mushrooms, Shellfish, Liver
  • Increase Vitamin C by consuming more Cabbage and especially Sauerkraut
After a couple of weeks of increasing the acidity in your stomach, the Collagen that you end up taking can be absorbed very efficiently. Taking supplemental Collagen is totally fine, the two main types are Bovine and Marine Collagen. Here are 2 options that I would recommend taking:

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  • Nootopia CollaGenius - This all natural supplement not only contains Bovine and Marine Collagen, but also contains other health boosting natural foods such as Lions Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi, Cocoa, and Cacao. These are known to increase brain function, regulate inflammation, slow down aging, reduce cravings, and more.
  • Collagen Tea - If you like drinking tea, then you can incorporate this to your daily sip. It also contains Hibiscus, Passion Flower, Nettle Root, Grapefruit, Rose Petals, and Hawthorne Berries. These help with regulating inflammation, blood pressure, digestion, and improves gut health.
  • Collagen Rich Food Sources - Skin on the Chicken, Pork/Chicken Bone Broth, Sardines, Organ Meats, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Kale, Pork Skin, and more...
Increasing Growth Hormone (GH)

This hormone is essential when it comes to building muscle, cell regeneration, and even anti-aging. It is also associated with fat burning, endurance, and collagen (oh really.....). As you age, Growth Hormone decreases which is why many people look to inject it (which is why athletes use them as steroids). We're going to look at the natural and sustainable ways of Increasing Growth Hormone:
  • Deep Sleep (The biggest release occurs during the Delta Wave stage of sleep which is Stage 3). There are ways to do this on your own, or you can get some help to speed up the process. Aim to sleep earlier instead of waking up later.
  • Intense Exercise in the form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), this can increase your GH from 500%-1000%. The best exercise for this is Sprinting, but since we're talking about Losing Arm Fat, here are some Arm specific HIIT exercises you can start doing today!
  • Low Blood Sugar, by simply reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates and of course.......SUGAR! Try these 2 Simple low sugar/low carb meals you can make today! 
  • Protein because they contain amino acids which are essential in stimulating Growth Hormone, specifically an amino acid called Arginine. Roughly 5-9 grams of protein can increase GH by 100%, keep in mind that lean Protein can also spike insulin (which can contribute to gaining fat). You can reduce the spike by adding healthy fats (cheese, butter, avocado, nuts, etc...)
  • Fasting, which (believe it or not) has the largest influence on Growth Hormone. In fact, it can increase GH by up to 2000% in men and 1300% in women. You can start by pushing your breakfast further into the day, or learn more about fasting.
  • Vitamin D by simply spending more time in the sun, the best times are between 10am and 3pm. 15-30mins a day (3-4 days per week) is usually enough. Those with higher melanin (darker skin) may need to spend more time. Consuming Vitamin D3 as a supplement also works. 

Growth Hormone can also help you with recovering from multiple types of trauma, whether it be a car accident, injury, surgery, or even a stroke. 

Lower Cortisol

Stress can play a significant role (of not the role) when it comes to Losing the Arm Fat. Not only that, it can also affect the overall fat in our body as well as other health implications. Our body has 2 systems: the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. It's the Sympathetic Nervous System that keeps us in the stress mode, which increases our Cortisol. In order to lower that Cortisol, and keep it at a sustainable level which will help Lose the Arm Fat. Here is what you can do:

  • Low Intensity Exercises such as long walks outside, taking the 10k Step Challenge, do some physical work, spending some time in nature, etc... 
  • Changing your Attitude towards the environment as we are constantly being conditioned to believe that the outside environment is dangerous and we should always remain alert. Such as the news.
  • This also includes Avoiding Stressors such as toxic people, scary movies, social media, etc...
  • Plenty of Sleep of at least 7-8 hours and preferably before 10:30pm
  • Increase Potassium - Leafy Greens, Salads, Avocados
  • B-Vitamins which aid in lowering stress, Nutritional Yeast or Brewers Yeast (non fortified) contains some of the Highest amounts of B-Vitamins. 
  • Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
Thyroid and Estrogen

Most Thyroid issues are secondary, meaning that there is an underlying issue which is affecting the Thyroid. Signs of Thyroid issues can include hair loss, dry hair, slow metabolism, loss of eyebrows just to name a few. One underlying issue can be with the liver and gallbladder, and some ways to tell are excessive burping, right shoulder pain, and headaches. Estrogen levels could also affect weight loss by blocking the Thyroid receptors
  • Avoid Low Calorie diets as they could be depriving your body of essential nutrients and potentially slowing down your metabolism and external stimulants such as diet pills.
  • Pre-Packaged foods which contain Soy Protein Isolates (a form of synthetic protein) which can increase the Estrogen and lower the Thyroid which is no bueno.
  • Eat More Broccoli, Cauliflower, reduce Soy and Beer, Estrogen can affect the fat around the upper arms, Kale (shakes with frozen berries)
  • Increase Iodine (seaweed), Selenium (eggs).
Other Tips
  • Workout in a Fasted State - Studies show that snacking will decrease + burn possibly 20% more fat due to muscles in use recruiting more fat to burn for fuel

Arm Specific High Intensity Exercises
Make sure to do your dynamic stretches before performing these
  • Pushups
  • Bicep Curls
  • Chest Press
  • Bench Dips
  • Lateral Pulldowns
These should be performed at a faster pace and slightly higher weight in order to increase the heart rate. Ideally you want to perform each exercise with a on for 20-30 seconds if you're starting out (1 minute max) followed by a 1-5 minute rest. Then repeat the process, and 30 minutes should be enough per session. Make sure to get a lot of sleep after these sessions in order to get the maximum benefit.

2 Simple Low Carb, Low Sugar Meals

1) Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps
Prep Time: 5 mins. Total Time: 20 mins

2 tbsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
1 small Onion, chopped
1 lb. Ground Turkey (or any other grass-fed meat)
1 tsp. Pink or Sea Salt
1 tsp. Black Pepper or Turmeric
1 tbsp. Tomato Paste
1 tbsp. Chili Powder
1 cup Chicken Broth
2 heads of Romaine Lettuce (Outer leaves separated)


Step 1
Heat oil in a large pan over medium-high. Add onion and cook until just soft, roughly 5 minutes. Add meat and season with salt (and pepper/turmeric). Cook, breaking up the meat with the side of a spoon until the meat is thoroughly cooked.....around 4 minutes.

Step 2
Stir in tomato paste with the chili powder and cook for 1 minute. Add broth and simmer, stirring occasionally, until thickened.......around 2 minutes or more. 

Step 3
Double up lettuce leaves. Divide meat mixture among leaves. Sprinkle with cheese, tomato, onion, avocado, and cilantro and serve.

2) Keto Mac n Cheese
Nutrition (per serving): 665 calories, 34 g protein, 12 g carbohydrates, 3 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 55 g fat, 29 g saturated fat, 1,151 mg sodium. Prep Time: 20 mins. Total Time: 1 hr 20 mins

Butter, for baking dish
2 medium heads Cauliflower, cut into florets
2 tbsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Pink or Sea Salt
1 cup Heavy Cream 
6 oz. Cream Cheese, cut into cubes
4 cup shredded Cheddar
2 cup. shredded Mozzarella
Black Pepper or Turmeric
4 oz. Pork Rinds (Crushed)
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan
Hot or Sriracha Sauce (or anything you can think of)

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 375° and butter a 9”-x-13” baking dish. In a large bowl, toss cauliflower with 2 tablespoons of oil and season with salt. Spread cauliflower onto two large baking sheets and roast until tender and lightly golden........around 40 minutes. 

Step 2
Heat cream in a large pot over medium heat. Bring up to a simmer, then reduce the heat and stir in the cheddar and mozzarella cheese until melted. Remove from heat, add hot sauce and seasoning, then fold in the roasted cauliflower. Give it the taste taste and season more if needed, then transfer to the prepared baking dish.

Step 3
In a medium bowl stir to combine the grinded pork rinds, parmesan, and oil. Sprinkle mixture in an even layer over cauliflower and cheese.

Step 4
Bake until golden.......around 15 minutes. If desired, turn the oven to broil to toast topping further.......around 2 minutes. 

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Consult Your Doctor Prior to Performing any of the Above Activities.

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