Foods that Help Lose Weight - 2023

Through my own experience and research into losing weight through diet and nutrition. Here’s what I have found that works.

  • Avocados - They contain almost 0 grams of carbs and sugars (which are the main contributors to weight gain). What’s better is that they have a neutral taste, meaning that you can incorporate them in almost anything. They are also packed with tons of Potassium
  • Kimchi - Which is fermented vegetables (primarily cabbage, radish, green onions, and more). This is jam packed loads of natural pro and pre biotic bacteria which is good for gut health. It can aid in digestion (including the absorption of vitamins and minerals).
  • Cruciferous Vegetables - These include Cabbage (red and green), Kale, and Broccoli just to name a few. Best to have them steamed to reduce some of the potential side affects of consuming too much of these. These are packed with vitamins and minerals, and they’re of course very low in carbs and sugars.
  • Natural Fats - People (including myself) think that fat contributes to weight gain. I mean the word fat right? Well after doing some research and my own trial and error. Frequent spikes in insulin create resistance over time which can lead to weight gain, carbs and sugars cause the highest spikes while fat causes the lowest. These natural/healthy fats include cheese, peanut butter (organic), and nuts. Just to name a few.
  • Smoothies - Especially since you can basically throw in anything you want in them, and they saved me tons of time. The breakdown of the fruits/veggies made digesting and extracting the nutrients much more efficient. I personally loved making kale, green apples, ginger, lemon, turmeric, and a bit of apple cider vinegar. If you want to avoid the mess and get all of that good stuff in a powder form, then consider getting the all natural Lanta Flat Belly Shake.

Check Out My Other Weight Loss Tips

I started getting into the habit of reading labels and ingredients, the idea was to look for the least amount of processed ingredients including refined carbohydrates and sugars. As well as ingredients that caused inflammation.

  • It’s also worth noting that timing can play a significant role in weight loss
  • There could be other factors at play which can be slowing down your weight loss

It is great that you’re looking into the foods since diet makes up roughly 80% of weight loss, but if you are someone looking to lose weight (and faster) and want learn more. Feel free to check out my profile for tips + a general/easy to follow plan.


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Consult Your Doctor Prior to Performing any of the Above Activities.

Have You Tried These Foods Already? How Do You Incorporate Them? Do You Know if Any Other Foods? 
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