Are You Eating These 32 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast?

32 Foods that Burn Belly Fat Fast! Not 4, not 15, not even 25.....but 32 foods. But I want you to understand why these foods burn belly fat, because it's all about what's in them that gives your body the tools to shed off that stubborn fat around the tub tubs. 

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But Where Does The Belly Fat Come From?

It could be the cortisol in your body. You see, too much cortisol can cause the liver to convert protein into sugar, too much protein can also be converted into sugar. 

Simply being stressed out can make you gain weight and that's why. Too much sugar as well all know can lead to diabetes, and cortisol can play a major role.

However, the right amount of protein can help you lose the belly fat through increasing growth hormone and glucagon. Usually around 0.6 grams per pound of body weight is the recommended protein intake.

Keep in mind that all sugar elevates insulin (which is a storage hormone), and too much insulin (or too many spikes of it) can cause insulin resistance which leads to the accumulation of fat. 

Excess of insulin can also come from a high carb diet as well as frequent eating. This can lead to visceral fat (belly fat).

Belly fat can also be an indication of a fatty liver, which essentially is a spillover which causes fat to accumulate around the organs. 

How do you know if you have too much Belly Fat? Just look down, and if you can't see your feet. Then you have too much Belly Fat. When it comes to your body's fuel requirements, your.....

  • Body burns dietary carbs first
  • Then it burns the dietary carbs second
  • Then it burns the body fat last

It's even possible to develop diabetes from too much cortisol due to the sugar. With that in mind, the foods that are mentioned below will address 

  • Lowering Insulin
  • Lowering Cortisol
  • Reducing or Avoiding a Fatty Liver
When it comes to your liver, it can only process so many things at once. In fact, your liver is the only organ in your body that can process. 
  • Alcohol
  • Fructose (50% of sugar is fructose) - This includes fruits
  • Toxins
  • Insulin
32 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast

1 - Chicken Eggs
We start with this because eggs are essentially loaded with nearly everything that your body needs. With next to no carbs and almost equal amounts of protein and fat, eggs will have almost no effect on insulin. 

Eggs can also trigger an oppsing hormone to insulin which is glucagon (which helps you burn fat). Other important nutrients are Lecethin and Choline, these can helps break down fat in your liver. 

Below is the content of nutrition per 1 whole egg, higher quality eggs (the chicken had a healthy life essentially) 
    • Calories: 80
      • Protein: 6g
        • Fat: around 5g
          • Carbohydrates: less than 1g
            • Cholesterol: 141% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
              • Vitamin A: 6% of the RDI
                • Vitamin D: 5% of the RDI
                  • Vitamin E: less than 1% of the RDI
                    • Vitamin K: less than 1% of the RDI
                      • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% of the RDI
                        • Vitamin B6: 5% of the RDI
                          • Vitamin B12: 9% of the RDI
                          • Iron: 10% of the RDI
                          • Selenium: 45% of the RDI
                            • Folate: 6% of the RDI
                              • Pantothenic acid: 7% of the RDI
                                • Choline: 26% of the RDI
                                  • Lecethin: 250mg per 100g
                                  How You Can Get the Most Out of Eggs: Runny yolks can preserve more of the nutrients as fully cooked eggs can reduce the amount of nutrients in the egg. Try softboiled, sunny side up, or half fried eggs.

                                  Another type of egg you may want to consider (if available) are duck eggs. Since ducks are far less commercialized, you may have a better chance at getting a hand on organic/higher quality eggs (free of any hormones). Here's what duck eggs contain:
                                  • Calories: 185
                                  • Protein: 13g
                                  • Fat: 14g
                                  • Carbs: 1g
                                  • Cholesterol: 295% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin B12: 90% of the RDI
                                  • Selenium: 52% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 24% of the RDI
                                  • Iron: 21% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin D: 17% of the RDI
                                  • Choline: 27% of the RDI
                                  2 - Wild Salmon
                                  Is high in Omega 3 fatty acids which helps reduce insulin by making it more sensitive and reduces cortisol. The Omega 3 also helps in reducing inflammation which can reduce that stubborn belly fat. It also contains very low mercury which is essential when consuming seafood. 

                                  However, did you know that selenium in Wild Salmon counters the toxic effect of the mercury?  
                                  Also Do You know which seafood has the least amount of mercury? Let me know in the comments below.

                                  Salmon is also good for brain function and cognitive performance, healthy skin and hair, eye health and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. That's not all, it may also protect against certain types of cancer and improve bone health and prevent bone loss. What does a fillet of Wild Salmon contain?
                                  • Calories: 468
                                  • Fat: 27g
                                  • Carbohydrates: 0g
                                  • Protein: 52g
                                  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 380% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin D: 112% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin B12: 65% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin B6: 28% of the RDI
                                  • Niacin: 43% of the RDI
                                  • Selenium: 90% of the RDI
                                  You want to go for Wild Caught Salmon instead of farm raised, why? Farm raised Salmon can contain higher levels of mercury, more hormones and steroids, and are actually known to be less healthy. Some are even gray but are injected with pink food coloring so.........there's that.

                                  You also want to consume the skin on the fish since there's a good amount of fat right under that good stuff.

                                  3 - Atlantic Cod Liver (or Oil)
                                  This fish contains mostly fat and some protein, but is high in Omega 3. Not only that, but Cod Liver Oil can help with Hypothyroidism. The fish itself may not contain much of vitamin D, however Cod Liver Oil contains about 113% of the RDI. 

                                  Vitamin D is essential for many things including mood, which can help when it comes to say....going to the gym or sticking to your goal of losing weight. Here is what you can find in a single Liver of Atlantic Cod.
                                  • Calories: 41
                                  • Vitamin A: 90% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin D: 5% of the RDI
                                  • Saturated fatty acids : 1g
                                  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: 2g
                                  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 2g
                                  If you're wondering what Cod Liver tastes like, it has a sort of tuna like taste and a pudding like texture. It's actually fairly good after some time and when you mix it with other flavors or warm it up. But if you want to avoid trying it. The Cod Liver Oil (supplement or oil) is a good alternative.  

                                  Cod Liver is also great for reducing inflammation which can relieve pain and free up other organs, protect against osteoarthritis and bone conditions, give you healthy skin, hair, and nails, prevent macular degeneration, potentially lowering the risk for heart disease. I could go on......

                                  If you are going to fry the Cod itself, make sure that you are using healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil just to name a few. By the way, here is the nutritional content for 1 fillet of Atlantic Cod:
                                  • Calories : 105
                                  • Protein: 23.10g
                                  • Fat: 0.67grams
                                  • Calcium: 2% of the RDI
                                  • Iron: 3% of the RDI
                                  • Sodium: 5% of the RDI
                                  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI
                                  Side note, if you want to become fat adapted sooner (those who are into keto, like me). Then there's a study that highlights not only that subjects had 3x more fat adaptation. But they also saw an increase in burning calories during rest essentially. You can learn a little more about that below.

                                  4 - Sauerkraut
                                  This fermented cabbage has the ability to increase liver function, it is anti-inflammatory, high in fiber which feeds the microbiome in your gut. It actually turns the microbiome into an interesting type of fat similar to ketones as a source of fuel.

                                  Sauerkraut is also high in probiotics which helps with gut digestion and it has some of the most amount of Vitamin C (1 cup contains up to 700mg). It is also essential in regulating your adrenals which controls the amount of cortisol released. Here's what else you can get in a cup of Sauerkraut:
                                  • Calories : 27
                                  • Protein: 1.3g
                                  • Fat: 0.2g
                                  • Carbohydrates: 6g
                                  • Fiber: 4g
                                  • Sugars: 2g
                                  • Sodium: 938mg
                                  • Potassium: 125mg
                                  • Vitamin C: 35% of the RDI
                                  Other great (if not better) alternatives are Kimchi, Achaar, Pickles (without the added sugar), and other fermented vegetables. Why fermented? Because the fermentation process creates an environment for bacteria to thrive, but this type of bacteria is good. We want this type of bacteria in order to fuel our digestive engine with the premium stuff.  

                                  The longer you ferment any of the above, the better. The best way to do this is to let the container sit in a warm environment. When I buy kimchi, I let it sit outside for at least a couple of days. 

                                  5 - Kale
                                  You may already know that this vegetable is one of the superfoods, but did you know that it contains more calcium per calorie than milk? Not only that, but it is low in olxalates (which are usually high in cruciferous vegetables such as spinach - oxalates can cause kidney stones)

                                  Kale also contains a high amount of Omega 3, Protein, and all of the essential and non-essential Amino Acids. It is also high in Potassium and Magnesium which helps in lowering stress, cortisol, and sleep. Here's the breakdown of nutrients in 1 cup of Kale:
                                  • Calories: 33
                                  • Protein: 3g
                                  • Fat: 0.5g
                                  • Carbohydrates: 7g
                                  • Fiber: 3g
                                  • Sugars: 1g
                                  • Sodium: 30mg
                                  • Potassium: 300mg
                                  • Vitamin A: 206% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin C: 134% of the RDI
                                  • Vitamin K: 684% of the RDI
                                  • Calcium: 9% of the RDI
                                  • Iron: 6% of the RDI
                                  6- Broccoli

                                  7 - Arugula

                                  8 - Brussel Sprouts

                                  9 - Hamburger
                                  Just the Burger, as in the fat and red meat (less of an effect on insulin). Easier to digest than just lean meat, and virtually No Carbs. Nutrient dense (plenty of vitamins and minerals) Make sure that it's grass fed. 

                                  10 - Avocado
                                  Contains avocatin b (chemical to help blood sugars, increase insulin sensitivity which is what you want). High in fat and low carb.

                                  Here's the thing about saturated fats. We aren't necessarily what we eat, because if you take a cow for example. The saturated fat in the cow comes from the grass which goes through a natural bio transformation. 

                                  However for you and me, the excess fat doesn't come from consuming saturated fat. 

                                  It comes from having more fuel than our body needs, and what does your body do to that excess fuel? It stores it as saturated fat, which should solve the myth or saying that saturated fats cause belly fat.

                                  11 - Broccoli Sprouts
                                  High in sulphurifane (phytonutrient that reduces cancer) and reduce visceral fat. Study shows 20% reduction in liver and belly fat upon consuming sprouts. Sprouts are more nutrient dense than when they are in their adult plant stages. 

                                  12 - Asparagus
                                  Asparagin is a natural chemical that detoxifies ammonia from the liver, ammonia is a byproduct of protein. Also helps with blood sugars, insulin becomes more sensitive, and high in fiber, low in sugars.

                                  13 - Nutritional Yeast
                                  Non-Fortified (no synthetic vitamins), tablets or powder. Parmesan taste to it, high in B Vitamins (including B1 which reduces Cortisol and Stress).

                                  14 - Mackerel:

                                  15 - Sardines:

                                  16 - Strawberries:

                                  17 - Blueberries:

                                  18 - Raspberries:

                                  19 - Lemon:

                                  20 - Apple Cider Vinegar:

                                  21 - Green Tea

                                  22 - Moringa:

                                  23 - Swiss Chards:

                                  24 - Beet Tops:

                                  25 - Shiitake Mushrooms - If You Like Mushrooms, then You'll Love This

                                  26 - Turmeric:

                                  27 - Cinnamon:

                                  28 - Red Peppers:

                                  29 - Whole, Plain, or Sour Yogurt:

                                  30 - Pecans:

                                  31 - Macadamia Nuts:

                                  32 - Brazil Nuts:

                                  33 - Spirulina

                                  In Conclusion

                                  Once You integrate these foods in your diet for a good while. You may be interested in speeding up the fat burning. Most are satisfied and don't really need to use this method.

                                  Now what Happens if You Burn the Belly Fat and see some lose Skin? Or Do You want to Avoid getting the lose skin? Then You'll want to learn about Collagen.

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                                  Consult Your Doctor or Dietician Prior to Consuming The Food Above.

                                  32 Foods that Burn Belly Fat Fast